It can be hard to keep up with the news. Thats why we do the hard work for you, making sure everything is written up each Sunday ‘For The Record’. Local The main stories in local news this week continued to focus on the growing outbreak of coronavirus cases at the university. Total cases rose […]
Maybe it’s counterintuitive to suggest that now, when the rest of the world seems more off-limits than ever, is the perfect time to start learning another language. With all that’s going on, it probably seems like the least appropriate way to spend your time. But if you’re still searching for something to do this summer, […]
In 2017, Edinburgh Council attempted to close down its most famous music school, and proposed further cuts to state schools music budgets. This was met with fury from hundreds of music teachers and pupils across the city, and prompting the Council to drop the proposals. Now, budget cuts have again been proposed that will halve […]