We both know that we’re not ready to go back to the lectures and pretending to be interested in the overenthusiastic guy’s opinion in your tutorial. I bet his name’s Brian, they’re always called Brian. One week isn’t long enough to not be listening to Brian. I’ve decided that, instead of providing yet more […]
First of all, yes I am fully aware that International Women’s Day has passed. I do have a concept of time. And yep, I’m pretty sure that there will be a small number of people who will roll their eyes, will call for an International Men’s Day, will exclaim “But what about all the male […]
Lucy Bidgood If I’ve learned anything from my time at this university, it’s that science news is an impenetrable source of procrastination. Yes, I might well have these results to write up into a lab report, but do I want to examine this piece about a glow-in-the-dark rabbit? Who needs essay research when I can […]