I thought I’d recommend some of my favourite TV series if you fancy a break from studying! My sense of humour is pretty light-hearted, and I quite like slapstick comedy, so most of these recommendations follow that type of humour and comedy just to give you guys a head’s up! Insatiable Although I know quite […]
At this point in 2020, all we want to do is go into hibernation for the winter and hope things will magically work themselves out. The number of articles on comfort movies, comfort books, and comfort foods has almost surpassed the number of articles on how to prepare for a global apocalypse, and I’m here […]
It’s hard to believe that it’s been over four whole months since lockdown began in Scotland. Back in mid-March I was knee-deep in graded unit work, deciding where to accept a place at university and continuing to work my job in retail. Those first few weeks before/after lockdown began were some of the most gruelling […]
Throughout most of my young life, I did not like popular music. Growing up, my house was filled with the melodious sounds of BBC Radio 3, and very occasionally a pop song from the 1960s. However, thanks to the flourishing hipster subculture throughout my teens, and with the help of Vevo on YouTube, I finally […]
Ten days have passed since Juneteenth – a holiday to celebrate the emancipation of American slaves – and what better way to (belatedly) celebrate than supporting black artists. So, I have compiled a list of the top five black comedians I watched on Netflix these past few days. A quick disclaimer though, I am American, […]
Last night was truly something else, maybe not the best Eurovision I’ve watched but it did give us some moments that will live on in my heart until next year. Some highlights, (as told through my live facebook updates) included: Ukraine’s entire performance: “Is this weird Dracula?” Slovenia, fine maybe not the best song […]