Triple J’s Like a Version is an Australian radio show that each week invites a different artist onto the show to play two live songs: one of their own, and a cover of their choosing. Featuring artists from Glass Animals to Bon Iver to Mumford and Sons, Triple J has amassed an impressive collection of […]
Ever since the invention of television almost 100 years ago, we’ve been told time and time again that the death of radio is imminent. Despite this constant threat, […]
Cady Crowley Netflix not enough anymore? Looking for that new drama show to take over your Saturday afternoon “study breaks”? St Andrews Student Radio, STAR, has you covered with a new by-students for-students about-students radio show, ‘Citizens of Nowhere’. With four episodes down and excitement surrounding the final episodes, News at STAR decided to find […]
Flora Rowe I am, to say the least, a huge advocate for radio. Earlier this year I wrote about how Radio is still an essential form of media however, I did not consider the surging popularity of podcasts. It could be argued that they are two of a kind; however podcasts appear to have a […]