Freshers is one of the most hotly anticipated events of first year, the big thing to look forward to after the end of compulsory education. Obviously this year it looked quite different, and my experience as a fresher has been coloured with the shade of a pandemic hanging over our heads. Although the news gives a grim cast to […]
Inevitably, we have to acknowledge that Freshers Week this September will look very different to previous years. With the university announcement of the COVID code, confirming 3 households in groups of 8 indoors and 15 outdoors as the limits for acceptable gatherings, some areas of university life may look a little different for a while. The university and students […]
As an incoming student to the prestigious University of St Andrews, you will almost definitely have been forced to watch that video of ‘St Andrews From Above’ the uni loves to plaster all over the internet. With the intense, wailing choral music filling your ears as the camera pans dramatically across the town from the […]
Although it may feel like everybody stays in halls, especially in their first year, there are a number of us who commute to St Andrews from the surrounding area. Considering many freshers have been left without uni accommodation (heart goes out to you my friend), you may find yourself having to commute. Whether you are […]
Hello incoming freshers! So you have already decided what degree you’re going to study, but as you may know you can choose up to two additional modules during your first and second year. This is a great opportunity to try completely new subjects from any faculty, as well as those you enjoyed in high school […]
It’s a known fact that St Andrews, despite having an arguably lacklustre nightlife, has an excellent selection of pubs to visit. It’s also a known fact these pubs can be pretty pricey. In this Choose Your Own Adventure, your task is to go out for a mid-week pub trip on a budget. You’ve got to […]
After an unusually and agonisingly long time away, the new term is fast approaching. Although what exactly it is that awaits us remains unclear, certain things about studying in St Andrews are impossible to change. 600 years of history can always be felt, even through a period of what feels like all-encompassing change. Luckily it […]
Welcome incoming first years! As move-in day approaches, I’m sure that the packing process is beginning. Although it may be daunting moving away from home for the first time, you have chosen the best place to start your university career! Moving into halls, from Sally’s to DRA, opens up a whole new world to explore. […]
Congratulations – you’ve been accepted into St Andrews and will be joining the bubble in September! You’ve learned about the nightlife, applied for your accommodation, and perhaps even had a think about the societies you would like to join. There is something you’re still wondering about, however. Sports! Whether you’re an experienced and skilled competitor, someone […]
As you go through your time at university, you’re probably going to need a drink or two along the way. To that end, here is my list of the signature drink for each semester at St Andrews. Standard disclaimer: please drink responsibly, and at least try to finish your essays first. First Year, First Semester: […]