It’s a truth universally acknowledged that fast food doesn’t tend to cater itself towards the vegan/vegetarian community. At best, they offer mediocre sides and, without prior knowledge of how to “hack” the meals to make it vegan/vegetarian, it is a struggle to eat well. However, things are changing! Veganuary may have paved the way for […]
I have a bad habit. When someone asks how I’m doing I say, ‘Pretty good’, and then a second later I look up at them and correct myself: ‘Actually, pretty shit’. Usually, they chuckle uneasily; sometimes they adopt a look of concern and ask me why. That always makes me laugh. Why? Why the hell not? I’m […]
(there will be spoilers) Let us all be clear – I am not the first to write about Joker. I am not at all original in this concept. But that’s okay. Neither was the film. Leaving the theatre after Joker (after the long line for the loo, my God NPH please fix a cubicle), I had two prominent […]
I really didn’t think I would be going to Russia this summer. Being Ukrainian, I had dispelled the notion as a betrayal of my country years ago when someone had suggested the idea. To be clear, although my family and I have been living in Sweden for the last 19 years (I am a Swedish […]
The 20thof September marked a day of global climate strikes, forming the biggest collective climate strike on record. In St Andrews, we too made history. A line in the sand was formed for climate change, made up of over 1200 people along West Sands, a symbolic action and silent strike to reflect on what climate […]
Autumn has arrived with the fresh young faces of the newest generation of St Andrews students. You’ve just arrived in town with plenty of student loan money to spend irresponsibly. Problem is: where do you drink. To save you years of research I have decided to share my expertise on one of the great loves […]
This Summer I worked for a Law & Policy organization called Period Equity. Period Equity is an organization that fights for all kinds of issues surrounding menstrual equity, but currently our main focus is on getting rid of the luxury sales tax on tampons and other menstrual products. While Period Equity is an American organization, I […]
Picture it. You’re running down a dark alleyway in a big city. Maybe it’s the dark forest at the edge of a campsite, or a haunted hallway in a creaky old house. Could even be a spaceship – take your pick. A deranged killer with a fun gimmick and a bomb-ass soundtrack is stalking you […]
Alter-egos are synonymous with David Bowie. Whether talking of the renowned Ziggy Stardust, Halloween Jack or Aladdin Sane, Bowie’s theatrical performance gave a persona to each album he made. But in January 1976, with the release of Station to Station, he took on his final role of the Thin White Duke. On the back of his […]
As someone who has braved the dating pool of our tiny Scottish town – whose chilliness and ruthlessness often trump the cold North Sea winds – I was left unsurprised by the disappointing rumours of St Andrews Tinder. But being eternally nosy and forever seeking new excuses to procrastinate, I decided I had to see […]