At this point in 2020, all we want to do is go into hibernation for the winter and hope things will magically work themselves out. The number of articles on comfort movies, comfort books, and comfort foods has almost surpassed the number of articles on how to prepare for a global apocalypse, and I’m here […]
These are troubling times! I’m sure coronavirus content is probably far too ubiquitous for everyone’s liking – mine included. Therefore, in this article I have some recommendations for taking time to yourself, relaxing, and providing some self-care. I will be taking on the figure of your guardian angel and providing you with some remedies to make the […]
It has been a difficult year – especially for us university students, having been catapulted into productivity after months of lost motivation. It’s extremely hard sometimes to extricate yourself from the mindset of the constant urge to be working, especially when your workplace is intermingled with your relaxation space. I just want to stress how […]
Birthplace of the fried Mars Bar, home to the winding alleyways that inspired Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley, and an underground labyrinthine city, Edinburgh boasts an old-worldy feel yet has all the contemporary delights of a cosmopolitan capital. Old Reekie – as Edinburgh was affectionately nicknamed during the Victorian era – is steeped in fascinating history […]
People who don’t enjoy watching horror films often ask – “why would anybody watch something which is solely designed to terrify you?” And it’s a good question. The answer seems to be that watching our worst nightmares play out on-screen has the potential to be cathartic, allowing us to purge ourselves of our own fear […]
Finally, the holy trinity of months is upon us! Although this is my first fall in St Andrews, I already know that this little town is going to be one of the best places to experience some of my favorite months of the year. While I know many of us might be feeling like […]
“I am gonna make it through this year, even if it kills me.” John Darnielle sang this line in 2005, as part of the song This Year in the album Sunset Tree. It seems to fit 2020 like a glove. During lockdown, most of what I did involved listening to The Mountain Goats almost religiously. […]
It’s safe to say that the start of this academic year isn’t the start we hoped for when we imagined returning to university. But if there’s any silver lining, it’s that most of us can use the extra time on our hands to discover something new. Whether you want to be uplifted, challenged or just […]
St Andrews has made the obvious transition into autumn in the past week, with the sudden chill in the air coinciding with half of the student population digging their Canada Goose out of the cupboard. Also, as a self-confessed music addict, I never leave my flat without headphones and have music playing at every socially acceptable opportunity. Hence, […]
One of the good things lockdown brought to me was finally doing all I had wanted to try but never found the time to. I associated the podcasts with long, boring audios my dad used to play in the car, but I decided to give them a try back in April because, sadly, there is a […]