St Andrews has made the obvious transition into autumn in the past week, with the sudden chill in the air coinciding with half of the student population digging their Canada Goose out of the cupboard. Also, as a self-confessed music addict, I never leave my flat without headphones and have music playing at every socially acceptable opportunity. Hence, with the encroaching colder weather and in anticipation of some rainier days, I have been curating a playlist for such times.
This playlist was somewhat optimistically titled ‘10 songs for a rainy morning’. This is optimistic for two reasons. One: I was unable to confine myself to 10 songs, hence the list below contains songs that add up to (roughly) an hour of listening instead. Two: I am unlikely to be awake and listening to it early enough to justify this name.
However, in an ideal world where I am a morning person, the romanticised vibe of this playlist is that of being tucked up inside on a cold day with a cup of tea. The songs are all listed below, each with a short description of the meaning behind the song.
’10 songs for a rainy morning’
She Burns – Foy Vance
This is a song about a man describing everything that he loves about a woman that he is trying to move on from.
Old Pine – Ben Howard
‘Old Pine’ is a song that appears to be from a nostalgic perspective of someone reminiscing about childhood experiences in nature.
All the Pretty Girls – Kaleo
Whilst the lyrics convey loneliness whilst seeking love, the instrumentals in this song really lift the vibe. Additionally, the YouTube video for this song requires a special mention as one of the most aesthetically-pleasing things that I have ever seen. Genuinely, if I could live in it, I would.
Gone – Ziggy Alberts
This song describes a man’s infatuation with a woman, likening her to Pocahontas.
Sunrise – Norah Jones
Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson
Both of these songs are simple when taken at face value, interpretations vary but on the surface they both appear to be happy songs about lying in and ‘wasting’ a day indoors with someone that you love.
Into the Mystic – Van Morrison
A gentle love song that is about a sailor dreaming about returning home to his romantic partner.
River – Leon Bridges
Leon Bridges uses the metaphor of ‘river’ in this song as a symbol of redemption with faith which gives this song a nice message alongside its calming sound.
Hey Laura – Gregory Porter
Featherstone – The Paper Kites
Both of these songs sound beautiful but they do have sad undertones as they are both about the pain of unrequited love.
Boardwalks – Little May
This song conveys the joy of reclaiming parts of yourself after the end of a relationship.
Dancing in the Dark – Eddie Berman
A slow cover of a Bruce Springsteen hit, with beautiful back-up vocals by Laura Marling.
Coastline – Hollow Coves
Coastline is a beautiful yet simple song about the pleasures of escaping to the coast.
Mushaboom – Feist
Mushaboom is named after a small town in Nova Scotia and is about the pleasantries of small town life and living it to the fullest.