In November of 2017, Warner Bros. Released Justice League in theatres across the world. It was critically maligned, likely due to a tragic and reportedly tumultuous production. The box office take was mediocre and the fans were angry. On March 18th, 2021, the director’s cut of the film, entitled Zack Synder’s Justice League, was released […]
I’ve always loved rom-coms and I’m too embarrassed to admit just how many of them I’ve seen. They’re funny, light-hearted and they don’t take themselves too seriously much like myself. And to be honest if I were to be trapped in a rom-com like Isn’t it Romantic you wouldn’t find me complaining! Far from it. All that singing and those silly romantic conundrums sound like a blast! So, I’ve narrowed down the list of rom-coms to my top four so […]
Coming off the back of Avengers Endgame, Marvel Studies took a swift change of directions, departing for a list of Disney + projects that attempted to interplay the realm of cinema to the small screen of television and distancing itself from the range of branded productions that dominated Netflix queues for years. It’s safe to […]
(A fair warning, there are spoilers for Gone Girl and Midsommar, so if you’d rather be surprised, don’t read ahead!) Not long ago, I read Gone Girl, devouring it in a couple of days and immediately watching the movie, which was just as good, and I can now admit that I am one of those […]
Love them or loathe them, romantic comedies remain one of the most popular movie genres of the 21st century. The same love-struck, hopeless romantics appear on screen time and time again. The plots follow the same tried and tested formula and are for the most part light-hearted and often based on a preposterous premise. You […]
A lot has changed for cinema this year considering most film releases have been through streaming sites or pushed back. The only notable big release this year was Christopher Nolan’s Tenet which featured a lot of stopping of time. In a year like 2020, we had come pretty familiar with the stopping of time; we […]
Film is pitiful when it comes to representing the work of black women. People from this multifaceted minority group directed less than 1% of the top 1,300 movies from 2007 to 2019 according to a study by USC Annenberg, compared to the 82.5% of directing roles in this selection filled by white men. In the […]
Okay, confession time – I haven’t seen the Hitchcock adaptation of Rebecca. Worse still, I haven’t even read Daphne de Maurier’s original (and much beloved) source novel. I know, it’s shameful. And my ignorance is not for lack of interest either: a gothic ghost story; a sinister housekeeper; scandals; secrets, and shipwrecks – it’s everything […]