Culture Interactive Quiz: Are you the Ultimate Star Wars Fan? Written on December 11th, 2020 by Jack Detwiler Jack Detwiler 11 December 2020 Star Wars Trivia How much do you know about Star Wars? Why is Mace Windu's lightsaber purple? Because he is wise Because he is brave Because he is a warrior Because Samuel L. Jackson wanted it to be When Princess Leia tells Han Solo "I love you" how does Han respond? I know I love you too I'm sorry but this is moving a little too fast Thanks How does Darth Vader reveal his identity to Luke? Luke, I am your father I am your father, Luke No, I am your father On the show "You are Not the Father" In what kind of spaceship does Luke Skywalker destroy the death star? A Y-Wing An A-Wing A Rebel Bomber An X-Wing Which limb does Darth Vader still have? His left arm None His right arm His right leg What makes The Emperor such a creep? His melty face Saying creepy nonsense phrases Being a space Nazi All of the above What is Obi-Wan's last name? Kenobi Gin Amadala None of the above What phrase is uttered in every main line Star Wars movie? Never tell me the odds I am a Jedi like my father before me I've got a bad feeling about this Your faith in your friends will be your undoing What planet does Master Yoda meet Luke on? Tatooine Dagobah Alderaan Kashyyyk In the original script of the first Star Wars movie (1977) what was Luke Skywalker's name supposed to be? Luke Skykiller Luke Starkiller Luke Sunwalker Luke Skyrunner Tagged as film quiz