Culture Interactive Quiz: How Well Do You Know The DC Universe? Written on December 10th, 2020 by Jack Detwiler Jack Detwiler 10 December 2020 Test your DC Superhero Knowledge How well do you know your DC superheroes? What planet does Superman come from? Candor Kyrptonite Krypton Earth What is Wonder Woman's secret identity? Donna Troy Diana Prince Lois Lane Vicki Vale After quitting the role of "Robin," what hero did Dick Grayson become? Nightwing Knightwing Spoiler Drake What are the names of Batman's deceased parents? John and Kate Wayne David and Laura Waine Thomas and Martha Wayne Tim and Barbara Wayne What was the name of the first person to be "The Flash" Barry Allen Jay Garrick Bart Allen Wally West What does Green Lantern derive his power from? Hope Fear Anger Willpower What is the weakness of Martian Manhunter? Fire Water Light A bad case of the Mondays What was the Joker's profession before becoming a villain in "The Killing Joke"? Janitor Bartender Failed Comedian Joke Writer What is the name of Aquaman's sidekick? Aquaboy Aqualad Atlantisboy Waterdude Who is Batman in the alternate timeline, "Flashpoint"? Bruce Wayne Damien Wayne Jason Todd Thomas Wayne Tagged as film quiz