Later today nominations will shut for the Students’ Association Elections. What then ensues is the craziness that is campaign week. Here are some useful hints for surviving it…

Buy/borrow some headphones: Headphones are a sure-fire way to avoid any human interaction. Actually a useful tip for life, not just campaign week.

Avoid the library at all costs: If like me, you hate speaking to people, then stay away from the library. During campaign week, walking into the library is like walking down The Mile during the Fringe. People constantly trying to give you stuff you don’t particularly want or need. That said however…

Take advantage of the free shit: Candidates have realised that to get most people’s attention, they have to give away something for free. I look out for the candidates giving out biscuits. If you have braved the library, the free biscuits do provide the perfect library snack break.

Don’t take all the free stuff you can: Firstly, it’s plain greedy to take everything you can. Secondly, last year I took a load of condoms from a candidate on the way into my class. I put my bag down when I got into class only for all of the condoms to fall out of my bag, cue the entire class thinking I was some sex-craved freak.

Read manifestos: Don’t just vote for whoever has the best photoshop ability (although that said, I did vote for current DoES on account of the Leon King). All of the candidates have put together extensive manifestos and you should vote on who has the best policies, not who has more likes on their new profile picture.