New year. New tunes. New you. Right?


Either way, here’s a fresh tune for every occasion you’ll encounter during re-freshers week, to ease you back into the semester after six glorious weeks off.


The Big Night Out: Chance The Rapper – “All Night (feat. Knox Fortune)”

Whether you play this when you’re shimmying out the shower, shimmying into your fave sparkly bodysuit or shimmying along at pre drinks, this banger from Chance the Rapper is sure to get you pumped for a night of dancing along to ‘evacuate the dancefloor’ with a Pablo (or two) in hand when Cascada graces our little town.


Back in the library: Vallis Alps – “Fading”

Believe it or not, in re-freshers week we actually have class too. So bring the chilled out sunny vibes of Australian band Vallis Alps to the library on the East Fife Coast and get ahead on that reading (or just pretend to do some work, it is week one after all).


Dinner Party: Gregory Porter – “Holding On”

Pop some candles in a couple of wine bottles, turn up Gregory porter and you’ve got the perfect dinner party ambience with minimal effort. It’s the perfect boozy dinner jam or a casual supper catching up with pals after the holidays. Whatever the vibe, a little bit of dinner jazz never goes amiss.


Hit the gym: Tame Impala – “Let it Happen”

It’s January (still) so with those new year’s resolutions in full swing, plod along to the gym or West Sands to sweat out all those toxins you’ve inevitably ingested over re-freshers week with this funky fresh track from Tame Impala – music is the ultimate motivator after all.


The After Party: Tom Misch – “Crazy Dream”

Stick on Tom Misch at the after party to continue the good vibes. Applicable pre and/or post Dervish.


Hangover Cure: The xx – “On Hold”

Let the sweet dulcet tones of The xx soothe your aching head and wallow in your hangover before making a yummy brunch and reflecting on last night’s decisions. This tune is the perfect balance of chill whilst also being slightly reminiscent of the night before, and exactly what you need.


Sunday Evening: London Grammar – “Rooting For You”

Listening to London Grammar’s new single feels like sinking into a warm bath, which is all you want to do at the end of re-freshers week. Being students however, access to a bath is limited (and ones you can find are probably not to be trusted, especially if found in halls). Instead, light some candles and let this track wash over you, healing any re-freshers week war wounds and preparing you for week two. Could there be a better way to spend the Sunday night of re-freshers week!



Here’s a handy link to the playlist with all the songs for your soundtrack to re-freshers week:

