Film is pitiful when it comes to representing the work of black women. People from this multifaceted minority group directed less than 1% of the top 1,300 movies from 2007 to 2019 according to a study by USC Annenberg, compared to the 82.5% of directing roles in this selection filled by white men. In the […]
I’d like to think that anyone attending university is educated enough to not be an anti-vaxxer, but nothing really surprises me anymore these days. It genuinely pains me to see how many people around my age have posted on social media about how they will flat-out refuse to take the vaccine once it is available […]
Who asked? Absolutely nobody. But Joseph Luke, Head of The Record, is exploiting my labour and forcing me to write an article. Although if we’re being honest, in the current climate (read: pandemic) my role as Head of Events is a little… constrained… so I’m happy to oblige. And what other personality trait do I […]
Every year, people make resolutions that are boring at best and unachievable at worst. This year, I’ve had enough of it. To prevent the proliferation of poor proposals, I’ve put together a panoply of potential plans. So read on, and find something fun for you to do in 2021. 1. Write for The Record. We’ll […]
2020 is no doubt the worst and most challenging year: work, social life, studying, and even the most mundane things have become very different and almost unreachable for all of us. Although I have spent a lot of my time complaining and mourning over the fact that most of my plans have been cancelled, I […]
In a cutting edge piece of journalism, I am going to provide you with a definitive list of the best Christmas songs. Hopefully this provides a kind of playlist for you all! Obviously, some songs go without saying. Merry Christmas Everyone – Shakin’ Stevens A classic; catchy and irresistibly Christmassy. Do They Know It’s Christmastime? […]
At this point in 2020, all we want to do is go into hibernation for the winter and hope things will magically work themselves out. The number of articles on comfort movies, comfort books, and comfort foods has almost surpassed the number of articles on how to prepare for a global apocalypse, and I’m here […]
These are troubling times! I’m sure coronavirus content is probably far too ubiquitous for everyone’s liking – mine included. Therefore, in this article I have some recommendations for taking time to yourself, relaxing, and providing some self-care. I will be taking on the figure of your guardian angel and providing you with some remedies to make the […]
It has been a difficult year – especially for us university students, having been catapulted into productivity after months of lost motivation. It’s extremely hard sometimes to extricate yourself from the mindset of the constant urge to be working, especially when your workplace is intermingled with your relaxation space. I just want to stress how […]
This is the second article in a series in which I listen to the entire back catalogue of an artist and give brief reviews of each album. I have previously reviewed Lady Gaga’s discography, which you can read here. If you want to see me review a particular artist, feel free to let me know […]