The shutting down of Venue 1 this semester meant that RAG week has already held some of their major events. St Andrews Got Talent for example happened last semester rather than during RAG week itself. Even with Venue 1 shit, the wonderful RAG committee have still managed to put together a great programme, here are our suggestions for things to in the upcoming week:

Monday: Guide Dogs Society are giving away prizes in Society Room C. There will be challenges, blindfolds and dogs. Quite possibly the greatest mix of things ever.

Tuesday: Art Soc are hosting life drawing in The Barron. Described as chill vibes, sweet much and nudey artistry. Certainly a different mix than the dogs and blindfolds of Monday but will be an experience for sure.

Wednesday: The lovely Dance Society are going to be holding a Danceathon. Between 9 and 5 you can join DanceSoc in The Union’s rehearsal room. ‘Dance ’till you drop’ is how DanceSoc have promoted it, so go and join them for a dance, and then an inevitable drop.

Thursday: The production company that brought you Othello (2014) and Merchant of Venice (Fringe 2014) comes As You Like It. The play is running Thursday, Friday and Saturday and we recommend you get there/reserve early or miss out forever. Or until the next time the play gets put on, so probably in about 5 years time.

Friday: Big Top Ball has been a recent addition to ever-growing St Andrews ball scene but it has proved largely popular. On Friday, Big Top will be having a launch party in The Union. NELFUN are proving the music and I’ve been told that there will even be a Big Top cocktail on offer.

Saturday: dRAG Walk. The highlight of RAG Week (in my humble opinion). Sold out last year and will inevitably do so again this year. 10 contestants will be battling it out for the title of Fife’s Best Drag Superstar*. That will certainly look impressive on a CV.

*not an official title

Sunday: We (STAR) are coming back to do our annual 14 hour broadcast. On the final day of RAG, two of our very own crazy committee members are going to be on the radio for 14 consecutive hours. Tune in at any point or listen to 14 consecutive hours of student radio if you really fancy it. Last year there was cross-dressing, alcohol and a reading from 50 Shades of Grey. Who knows what will happen this year.