Euan Elder
After a long, hard week of lectures and tutorials, sometimes the perfect way to unwind from a stressful week is to enjoy a good ol’ Bop. However, this is no easy task: a good Bop experience always starts before you even enter the union, and endures until the last 50p toastie is served. But how is this night achieved?
Number One – Finding Good ‘Pres’.
Going to one of your friends’ flat can be a really fun opportunity to catch up with those you have not seen in a while, and allows you to make new friends along the way.
Number Two – A Solid Theme
It is always a good sign when you show up to the union in an old Halloween costume and everyone else is dressed just as badly. There is a collective spirit when students embody the selected theme and dress-code of the Bop.
Number Three – Bopping Music
With a good DJ who plays current tunes, the ambiance for the night is sure to be set right. With no care in the world, you truly can become the Queen of Rap whilst you pretend to know all the words, and fake a twerk, to ‘Starships’.
Number Four – A Multitude of Students
Spotting students from every academic year is always a highlight at Bops. It reminds you that they truly are for everyone, and allows you to comingle with fellow upper and underclassmen; you can never be too old to enjoy a good night out at 601!
Number Five – Post-Bop Food
After a sweaty night of all singing and dancing, what better way to fulfil your cravings than to go to one of the many iconic food stops in St. Andrews. From Dervish to Courtyard to the church on South Street, your desire for cheesy chips, pepperoni pizza and everything toasties is sure to be satisfied. These hearty meals will undoubtedly prepare you for the cold walk home.